
The Product That Changed My Life

Eyeliner Stamp by Vogue Effect

That sounds a little bit dramatic doesn’t it? Especially when you can see from the photo that I’m talking about makeup (again) but seriously this one item made a big difference to me.

I have been trying to do a cat eye forever. I really like the look and whenever I saw someone wearing it I would be like “How did you do that?” Whenever I tried it would be really uneven or just messy and wonky. They always seemed a little bit taken aback and the answer was mostly something like, “Oh, it’s not that hard.” Well, I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I could not get it done.

Step in this product. I think I saw it on Pinterest. Or maybe it was one of those lists on Facebook I always click on. “10 Makeup Hacks you Need To Know” or something like that.

(Side note: Why do I always click on those? Even if it’s something I don’t care about. Do you all have this problem?)

Anyway, I bought the exact one mentioned wherever I saw it and I was not disappointed. Now, again, I have tried several hacks to do a cat eye. I tried the scotch tape thing. The eyeliner just seeped under the scotch tape. I tried using a bobby pin as a stamp, which was better, but I couldn’t manage to get the bobby pin in the right spot on both eyes. I have tried using a guide cut out of a thick piece of paper, same result as the scotch tape.

These stamps actually work. There are two: one for the right eye and one for the left. You just eyeball where you want them and then press on the other end of the … thing. There is also a regular eyeliner on the opposite end. The eyeliner quality is great too, in my opinion. Whenever I use this it lasts all day, even when all of my other makeup has melted off of my face. (Anyone have a hack for this? Foundation that lasts all day? I would love to hear it.) The only thing I have a little bit of problem with is placement. Sometimes I have one aiming up a little further than the other but probably I’m the only one who notices. I always like to remember some advice I got from a coworker about eyebrows (but I think it applies here), “They are sisters, not twins.”

When I have stamped my stamp I just use the regular end to connect it with my eyelid and make it thicker or longer or whatever I want it to be that day. I bought the 8mm option but they also have larger options. I would say if you want to get the most bang out of your buck you should go for the classic because you can build it up if you want to. I will probably try the dramatic one at some point though. Also I bought this at the beginning of the summer and it is still going strong.

So if you struggle to get a good cat eye give this a try, and if you don’t I kinda hate you a little bit. : )

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