
Okay so I have something I need  to talk about.

I’m watching Scandal.

I know what you’re thinking “Yeah Emily, I was watching Scandal too, like six years ago.”

I know, I know, and this always happens to me. I’m lazy with trying to keep up with stuff as it’s happening and then when I get it everyone is already done talking about it. That’s why I love Nexflix shows or stuff that comes out all at once. Yes, now I can watch this as I please. Also, and I must say I am slightly embarrassed to admit this, sometimes I feel like I eschew things just because a lot of people are  talking about it. Does anyone do that? Well, I think I do and it feels stupid.

Anyway, when I want to talk about stuff I can’t find anyone to talk with me.

So here I am talking about Scandal even though everyone is probably over it by now but hey it’s my blog and I can do what I want. Bwa-ha-ha!!

I started watching it because a friend/coworker who I don’t consider to have a TV addiction like moi was singing its praises. I was like wow if she thinks it’s this great I really should suck it up and give it a try.

And then … hours and hours later …

Why does it suck you in?

It did take a minute. The first few episodes I was like, sigh, I don’t care about these people. Then all of a sudden I just needed to know what happened next. What is it that does that in a TV show? Is it the dramatic music? The constant close-ups on characters staring at each other pointedly? Pointed, gritted teeth, staring!!!!

At first I feel like I didn’t get the whole Fitz/Olivia thing. I was like who is this Fitz guy? I feel like I’m supposed to like him and I really don’t. And while I still don’t like him, like him, he’s really not my type of dude, at least now I understand Oliva and his relationship. Which seems to consist mostly of late night phone calls and standing near each other breathing heavily but you know, it’s sexy as hell and seems to work for them so whatever.

I love Huck the most. THE MOST. I want to set his head in my lap and pet it and tell him everything is going to be okay. I want to squish his little cheekies.

And for some reason I’m really attached to David Rosen even though he’s not even a gladiator. (Geez I’m glad I finally understand what a gladiator is, even though I still kinda don’t. Like it’s just what they call each other right? But at first it sounded like they were calling each other that because they were like “fighting for truth and justice” but they really aren’t, they’re really just fighting for whoever hires them.)

Remember, I’m only on season three, so maybe I’m just not catching something yet.

Anyway, I’m talking about Scandal now and anyone who wants to join me can do so. Also if you have anything you’re just getting into but it’s kind of old bring it up, maybe I just watched it. That’s kind of how I work.

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