DIY Cute Crayons

I would say that I am a semi crafty person. I have a lot of things I would like to do but I never really get around to it, cuz laziness, but sometimes I get some things done. If I do craft it usually will be around Christmas for presents and whatnot. I have been …

My Wish List

All the sales over Black Friday and Cyber Monday and all that crap just about drove me insane! As I mentioned before I’m kind of on a shopping break, otherwise known as I quit my job and have much less disposable income, so I started a list of things I want but mustn’t but. I …

Tv for me and my Kid

When my daughter wants to watch TV, it’s on for everyone, the TV is in the living room and so am I. I actually enjoy kid’s television to the point where when I don’t like something I don’t usually let her watch it, just because there are so many things we can watch together and …